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Moving an Arm

Description: This tutorial shows step-by-step how to move an ArbotiX-based arm controlled by the simple arm server.

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE


This tutorial assumes that you have an ArbotiX/Dynamixel-based arm, with a trajectory controller and URDF properly configured.


The simple arm server allows you to move an arm through a series of goals. The MoveArm request contains a header and an array of ArmAction goals:

Header header
ArmAction[] goals

The header is used to specify the frame_id of the goals, while each ArmAction goal consists of several fields:

byte type                  # move the arm or the gripper?
geometry_msgs/Pose goal    # goal for an arm
float64 command            # goal for a gripper

duration move_time

Arm Position Goals

Most goals will move the arm to a position. In this case, we fill out the pose goal and set type to MOVE_ARM, a constant defined in the ArmAction message.

Gripper Goals

Goals can also set the commanded position of the gripper. In this case, we set type equal to MOVE_GRIPPER and set the command field of the request.

Example Code

The multi_waypoint_test.py example in simple_arm_server shows how to move the arm through a small trajectory, picking up a block, and then dropping it in a different location:

Toggle line numbers
   1 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('simple_arm_server')
   2 import rospy
   3 import sys
   5 import tf
   6 from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_from_euler
   8 from simple_arm_server.msg import *
   9 from simple_arm_server.srv import * 
  11 if __name__ == '__main__':
  12     rospy.init_node('simple_arm_server_test')
  13     rospy.wait_for_service('simple_arm_server/move')
  14     move_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('simple_arm_server/move', MoveArm) 
  16     req = MoveArmRequest()  
  17     req.header.frame_id = "base_link"
  19     action = ArmAction()
  20     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_ARM
  21     action.goal.position.x = 0.2
  22     action.goal.position.y = -0.09
  23     action.goal.position.z = .1
  24     q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 1.57, 0.0, 'sxyz')
  25     action.goal.orientation.x = q[0]
  26     action.goal.orientation.y = q[1]
  27     action.goal.orientation.z = q[2]
  28     action.goal.orientation.w = q[3]
  29     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(5.0)
  30     req.goals.append(action)
  32     action = ArmAction()
  33     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_GRIPPER
  34     action.command = 0.03
  35     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(1.0)
  36     req.goals.append(action)
  38     action = ArmAction()
  39     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_ARM
  40     action.goal.position.x = 0.2
  41     action.goal.position.y = -0.09
  42     action.goal.position.z = .04
  43     q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 1.57, 0.0, 'sxyz')
  44     action.goal.orientation.x = q[0]
  45     action.goal.orientation.y = q[1]
  46     action.goal.orientation.z = q[2]
  47     action.goal.orientation.w = q[3]
  48     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(1.0)
  49     req.goals.append(action)
  51     action = ArmAction()
  52     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_GRIPPER
  53     action.command = 0.0254
  54     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(2.0)
  55     req.goals.append(action)
  57     action = ArmAction()
  58     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_ARM
  59     action.goal.position.x = 0.2
  60     action.goal.position.y = -0.09
  61     action.goal.position.z = .1
  62     q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 1.57, 0.0, 'sxyz')
  63     action.goal.orientation.x = q[0]
  64     action.goal.orientation.y = q[1]
  65     action.goal.orientation.z = q[2]
  66     action.goal.orientation.w = q[3]
  67     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(1.0)
  68     req.goals.append(action)
  70     action = ArmAction()
  71     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_ARM
  72     action.goal.position.x = 0.2
  73     action.goal.position.y = 0.09
  74     action.goal.position.z = .1
  75     q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 1.57, 0.0, 'sxyz')
  76     action.goal.orientation.x = q[0]
  77     action.goal.orientation.y = q[1]
  78     action.goal.orientation.z = q[2]
  79     action.goal.orientation.w = q[3]
  80     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(5.0)
  81     req.goals.append(action)
  83     action = ArmAction()
  84     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_GRIPPER
  85     action.command = 0.03
  86     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(2.0)
  87     req.goals.append(action)
  89     action = ArmAction()
  90     action.type = ArmAction.MOVE_GRIPPER
  91     action.command = 0.0254
  92     action.move_time = rospy.Duration(1.0)
  93     req.goals.append(action)
  95     try:
  96         r = move_srv(req)
  97         print r
  98     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
  99         print "Service did not process request: %s"%str(e)


This tutorial has shown how to move the arm through a series of poses. This can be used for simple pick and place, although the server offers no collision checking. Please see the Moving the Arm tutorial for Mini Maxwell for a specific example.

Wiki: simple_arm_server/Tutorials/Moving an Arm (last edited 2014-10-15 22:36:51 by DirkThomas)